Preteen and teen

Preteen and teen

Being a teenager can be tumultuous with constant academic and social pressure, and need to adopt to ever changing world around them. For those who practice sports, there may be repetitive musculoskeletal injuries. They experience sudden onset of hormonal changes that affect their body and mood. Many are deprived from sleep that a growing body needs. Many are experiencing depression and anxiety. Most of females are experiencing irregular and painful periods not knowing whether they should seek help or just accept it as “the way it is”.

At Now Wellness, we put upmost importance on promoting healthy digestion, improving sleep, balancing hormones and mood, boosting immunity and resolving any type of pain. We want preteens and teens to listen to their body and to be kind to themselves.

Preteen and Teen Wellness Services

If your preteens and teens are interested in getting help in resolving any health concerns but are afraid of needles, please let us know. We offer other modalities such as cupping, shonishin (gentle skin scraping) or can use just a few very thin needles at shallow insertions.